At Grace Fellowship, our heart is to see the whole family grow in the grace of Christ. Our focus through GraceKids is on helping children know and follow Jesus in the church and in the home, proclaiming Christ alone so that everyone may be presented mature in Him. (Colossians 1:28)
Sunday School
Our children meet for Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. and are learning how the gospel story of Jesus Christ is present throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Each class (preschool, lower, and upper) will go through the whole Bible in 3 years, learning the story of Scripture and of God’s saving grace in Jesus that is the focus of it all.
Check out the Gospel Story for Kids website to learn more.
Coinciding with our Growth Groups, GraceKids meets every Wednesday night throughout the school year from 6-7:30 p.m. at the church. Dinner is provided, and is followed by singing, learning from the Bible and games. For any questions, you can email Zac, our Assistant Pastor, at .moc.notnalcecarg%40caz
In the Home
Parents have been called by God to raise their children in the faith (Deuteronomy 6:4-8, 20-25; Mark 12:28-31). That call is a weighty one and we, as a church, play an important part in that process. From one-on-one discipleship to Sunday School classes and small group studies, we aim to assist parents in the disciple-making of their children.
For a good home devotional that partners with what you’re children will hear on Sunday mornings, we recommend these devotionals.