COVID-19 Update: May 10, 2020 — Phase 1 for Coming Back to Worship
Quarantine has been difficult. Pandemics are scary. Misinformation is running wild. It’s hard to know who to trust. Many of us have felt afraid, isolated, lonely, angry or a mix of all of them. Usually this is when the community of believers gathered together in worship buoys and supports us. We are not designed to be lone rangers. We need each other. IT’S GOOD TO BE WITH GOD’S PEOPLE UNDER THE AUTHORITY AND CARE OF GOD’S WORD. But that option has been closed to us. Thankfully, that is starting to change. As our state phases back “open,” we will do the same.
Here is our plan for “Phase 1” of re-opening church. Now, we know this isn’t ideal. We’d love to gather again in full force, hugging one another and talking over a big meal – and hopefully that can happen soon! In the meantime, please know that your Elders and Deacons have listened, talked and prayed together over these steps. Please pray for the unity and health of our church, and ask God to deepen our roots in Him during this trial!
Read the guidelines below, then take our worship survey to help us plan ahead! (Only one response per family is necessary.)
To ensure safe distance, we will do the following:
● No Sunday School classes will meet for now.
● We will have two worship services – 9 am & 11 am.
● We will clean/sanitize our building after each service.
● We will space out & stagger our seating in the sanctuary.
● Greeters will help people to their seats and try to keep folks distanced.
● We will dismiss by row after the service is over
To help with safe contact, we will do the following:
● No coffee will be served.
● No printed bulletins will be handed out.
● Hymnals and Bibles will be removed, so remember to bring your own!
● Instead of passing plates, we will collect giving as people exit the Sanctuary.
● We’ll hold off on the Lord’s Supper until June 7 at the earliest. We will likely change the way we distribute the elements.
● The restrooms in the Gathering Area will be OPEN, but the other restrooms and classrooms will not be. PLEASE WASH OR SANITIZE YOUR HANDS REGULARLY.
For those with kids:
● The Nursery and playground will not be open during this phase.
● Children will need to sit with their own families during worship. Don’t worry about your children being an obstacle to worship. Remember Jesus welcomed the little children!
● We will aim to keep the service shorter for our youngest participants.
● The Fellowship Hall will be open for families w/ younger kids, and you will be able to listen to the service.
Other considerations:
● For those who don’t feel comfortable coming just yet, we will continue to send out worship guides via email. We will also continue posting a recorded video for at least the next few weeks.
● Please protect others by staying home if you are sick.
● We encourage you to wear a mask if that would make you more comfortable or if you are most at risk.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Kevin Corley